
More than 2,000 buried alive in Papua New Guinea landslide, government says

Papua New Guinea landslide

A devastating landslide in Papua New Guinea buried over 2,000 people alive, according to government estimates, surpassing earlier United Nations’ figures.

The landslide, triggered by a collapse of Mount Mungalo, obliterated a once-bustling village in Enga province, causing major destruction to buildings and disrupting the country’s economic lifeline.

International aid, including support from Australia, is being mobilised to assist in rescue efforts amid concerns of unstable rubble and further landslides. Traumatised villagers grapple with the dilemma of using heavy machinery to recover buried bodies, fearing additional damage.

1. A landslide in Papua New Guinea buried over 2,000 people alive, with only six bodies recovered so far, according to government estimates.

2. The landslide, triggered by a collapse of Mount Mungalo, devastated a village in Enga province, causing major destruction and disrupting the country’s economic lifeline.

3. International aid, including support from Australia, is being mobilised to assist in rescue efforts amid concerns of unstable rubble and further landslides.

4. Traumatised villagers are divided over the use of heavy machinery for recovery efforts, fearing additional damage to buried bodies.

5. Water seepage and unstable debris increase the risk of further landslides, posing challenges to rescue operations.

6. Papua New Guinea’s government is providing financial assistance and deploying military earth-moving equipment to aid in the disaster response.

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