
Enhancing Operational Efficiency for Financial Ombudsman Services

Financial Ombudsman Services

Financial Ombudsman Services (FOS) is an independent organisation dedicated to resolving disputes between consumers and financial services firms in a fair and impartial manner.

FOS handles a diverse range of complaints encompassing banking, insurance, investments, and other financial products and services.


Financial Ombudsman Services (FOS) was facing significant challenges due to an outdated and inefficient IT infrastructure. The existing systems were unable to cope with the increasing volume and complexity of complaints, leading to prolonged resolution times and decreased overall operational efficiency.

FOS recognized the urgent need to modernise their IT capabilities to meet evolving regulatory demands and enhance service delivery.

Solution Provided by Walter & Associates

Walter & Associates, a leading IT consultancy specialising in process optimization and digital transformation, was engaged by FOS to address their IT challenges.

The project involved a detailed assessment of FOS’s existing infrastructure, processes, and business objectives. Based on this assessment, Walter & Associates devised a comprehensive solution tailored to FOS’s specific needs:

1. IT Infrastructure Modernisation

Walter & Associates proposed a phased approach to modernise FOS’s IT infrastructure.

This included upgrading hardware components, adopting cloud-based solutions for scalability and flexibility, and optimising network architecture to enhance performance and security.

2. Data Management and Analytics

A robust data management strategy was implemented to streamline complaint handling processes.

Walter & Associates introduced advanced analytics tools to derive actionable insights from complaint data, enabling FOS to identify trends, improve decision-making, and allocate resources more effectively.

3. Compliance and Security Enhancements

To ensure data security and regulatory compliance, Walter & Associates implemented stringent security measures.

This included regular audits, encryption protocols, and staff training on data protection best practices aligned with GDPR and other relevant regulations.

4. Process Optimization and Automation

Business process reengineering was a key focus area to enhance operational efficiency. Walter & Associates introduced automation technologies to expedite case handling, reduce manual errors, and improve overall workflow efficiency within FOS.

Implementation Process

The implementation of the solution involved meticulous planning and collaboration between Walter & Associates and FOS stakeholders:

1. Discovery Phase

Walter & Associates conducted in-depth interviews and workshops with FOS staff to understand existing pain points and gather requirements.

2. Solution Design

Based on the discovery phase outcomes, Walter & Associates designed a tailored solution encompassing infrastructure upgrades, data management strategies, and process optimization initiatives.

3. Pilot Testing

A pilot phase was initiated to test the proposed solutions in a controlled environment, allowing for fine-tuning and validation of outcomes.

4. Full Deployment

Upon successful pilot testing, the solutions were rolled out across FOS’s operational landscape, accompanied by comprehensive training and support for FOS staff.

Results Achieved

The strategic partnership between Walter & Associates and FOS resulted in significant improvements and measurable outcomes:

1. Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Complaint resolution times were reduced by 30%, enabling FOS to handle a larger volume of cases without compromising service quality.

2. Improved Decision-making

Advanced analytics empowered FOS to make data-driven decisions, leading to more accurate dispute resolutions and improved customer satisfaction.

3. Cost Savings

By optimising IT infrastructure and automating manual tasks, FOS realised substantial cost savings in IT maintenance and operational expenses.

4. Scalability and Flexibility

The modernised IT infrastructure provided FOS with the scalability and flexibility needed to adapt to changing business requirements and handle peak complaint periods effectively.


Walter & Associates’ expertise in IT consultancy and process optimization enabled Financial Ombudsman Services to overcome significant operational challenges and achieve tangible business outcomes.

The successful implementation of modern IT solutions not only enhanced FOS’s operational efficiency but also positioned them for sustained growth and improved customer service.

Through collaboration and innovation, Walter & Associates demonstrated their commitment to empowering organisations like FOS to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

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