
Walter & Associates’ IT Consultancy Transformation for Leonard Cheshire

IT Consultancy Transformation for Leonard Cheshire

Leonard Cheshire is a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting individuals with disabilities to live, learn, and work as independently as they choose.

The organisation operates across multiple locations, providing a range of services including residential care, supported living, and employment programs.

Challenge Faced

Leonard Cheshire approached Walter & Associates with the challenge of streamlining their internal processes and improving the efficiency of their IT infrastructure.

With operations spanning various regions and service offerings, Leonard Cheshire needed a comprehensive IT solution that could unify their systems, enhance communication, and ultimately empower their staff to deliver better services.

Solution Implemented

1. Comprehensive IT Audit

Walter & Associates began with an in-depth assessment of Leonard Cheshire’s existing IT infrastructure and workflows. This audit helped identify pain points, redundancies, and areas for improvement.

2. Tailored IT Strategy

Based on the audit findings and Leonard Cheshire’s specific needs, Walter & Associates developed a customised IT strategy. This strategy aimed to centralise data management, improve accessibility, and integrate communication tools across all locations.

3. Implementation of Cloud-Based Solutions

To enhance flexibility and scalability, Walter & Associates introduced cloud-based solutions. This included migrating critical applications and data to secure cloud platforms, ensuring seamless access and data integrity for staff across different sites.

4. Unified Communication Tools

Walter & Associates implemented unified communication tools such as Microsoft Teams and Slack, enabling real-time collaboration and information sharing among Leonard Cheshire’s dispersed teams. This facilitated smoother coordination and faster decision-making.

5. Cybersecurity Enhancement

Recognising the importance of data security, Walter & Associates implemented robust cybersecurity measures. This included data encryption, regular vulnerability assessments, and staff training to ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

6. Training and Support

To ensure a smooth transition and maximise the benefits of the new IT systems, Walter & Associates provided comprehensive training and ongoing support to Leonard Cheshire’s staff. This empowered employees to leverage the new tools effectively in their daily work.

Results Achieved

1. Improved Operational Efficiency

The streamlined IT infrastructure reduced inefficiencies and minimised manual processes, enabling staff to focus more on delivering impactful services to individuals with disabilities.

2. Enhanced Collaboration

The unified communication tools facilitated better collaboration among teams working across different locations, leading to improved coordination and faster response times.

3. Cost Savings and Scalability

By leveraging cloud-based solutions, Leonard Cheshire achieved cost savings through reduced maintenance and hardware costs. The scalable infrastructure allowed for easy adaptation to organisational growth.

4. Enhanced Data Security

Robust cybersecurity measures implemented by Walter & Associates ensured that sensitive client information was protected, enhancing trust among stakeholders.


Through Walter & Associates’ tailored IT consultancy services, Leonard Cheshire successfully transformed its IT infrastructure to better support its mission of empowering individuals with disabilities.

The partnership exemplifies Walter & Associates’ commitment to innovation, excellence, and client-centric solutions, ultimately driving positive outcomes for organisations striving to make a difference in their communities.

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