
Iran Defies US and UK Calls to Cease Support for Houthi Attacks on Israeli-Linked Vessels in Red Sea

Houthi Attacks

Iran has dismissed calls from the US and UK to halt its backing of Houthi rebel attacks on Israeli-affiliated ships in the Red Sea, denouncing the accusations as unwarranted interference.

The Iranian navy dispatched the Alborz destroyer to the region as tensions escalate.

The US military recently reported sinking three Houthi vessels after an encounter in the Red Sea, intensifying the conflict.

The UK and US are contemplating issuing a formal warning to the Houthis, threatening military strikes if attacks persist.

Meanwhile, Houthi rebels vow to continue disruptions until Israel allows unrestricted humanitarism aid into Gaza.

1. Iran rejects US and UK calls to end support for Houthi attacks on Israeli-linked vessels in the Red Sea.

2. The Alborz destroyer, part of the Iranian navy’s 94th flotilla, enters the Red Sea amid rising tensions.

3. US military helicopters sink three Houthi vessels in the Red Sea after a clash, heightening hostilities.

4. UK and US consider issuing a formal warning to Houthis, contemplating military strikes on Yemen coast if attacks persist.

5. Houthi rebels insist attacks will continue until Israel permits full humanitarian aid access to Gaza.

6. UK Defense Secretary emphasises readiness for military action to safeguard freedom of navigation in the Red Sea.

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