
Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy is an essential component of the Privacy Policy for the application or website linked to this Cookie Policy (the “Website”). For more details about us and our commitment to safeguarding visitor information, please refer to the Privacy Policy for the corresponding Website, accessible in the page footer, menu bar, or application settings.
To offer you a more personalized and responsive service, we employ small text files known as ‘cookies’ that are downloaded to your computer or device by a server for the Website. Subsequently, your web browser sends these cookies back to the Website upon each subsequent visit, enabling it to recognize you and recall details such as your user preferences. Further information on cookies and their functionality can be found at

By utilizing the Website, you consent to the collection and storage of information through cookies and other technologies, as outlined in this Cookie Policy.

Which cookies do we use, and for what purpose?

Certain cookies are essential to facilitate your navigation on the Website and enable the use of its features, including accessing secure areas with content for registered users.
We also employ functional cookies to record your choices and customise the Website accordingly. For example, these cookies may remember your language or region preferences or acknowledge completion of a survey. Typically, this information is anonymized and not utilised for purposes unrelated to the Website.

Analytic services are utilized by us or our service providers to assess the effectiveness of our content, discern user interests, and enhance the functionality of the Website. Additionally, web beacons, tracking pixels, and similar services are employed to gain insights into visitor demographics, count visitor numbers, and utilize performance cookies to monitor individual user access frequency. This information serves statistical purposes and aids in refining the Website’s functionality, with no intention of personally identifying any user. If you register and sign into the Website, we may combine this data with insights from our web analytic services and cookies for a more detailed analysis of your usage patterns.

The Website refrains from using targeting cookies to deliver personalized advertising. However, such cookies may be employed on third-party websites where we occasionally advertise to assess the success of those campaigns. Web beacons (pixel tags) may be used to identify users who visited the Website after viewing advertisements on these third-party sites. Collaborating with these third parties enables us to collect data for analyzing ad effectiveness and delivering targeted ads based on user interests. Web beacons do not provide personal information, and this technology is solely used for aggregated data compilation and ad effectiveness evaluation. While web beacons do not store information on your device, they may work in conjunction with cookies to monitor activity. Although you cannot remove or block web beacons, you can prevent information collection about your user activity by removing or blocking associated cookies.

For detailed information on the cookies used on the Website, please refer to the Cookie Settings link, typically located in the page footer, menu bar, or application settings.

How to manage cookies?

While your use of the Website implies an agreement to place cookies on your computer or device, you can control and manage cookies in various ways. Please be aware that removing or blocking cookies may impact your user experience, potentially limiting access to certain parts of the Website.

If you do not wish to accept these cookies, you can disable them by clicking the relevant Cookie Settings link on the Website. Alternatively, you may adjust your browser settings to manage and control cookies; detailed guidance can be found at
It’s important to note that accepting or declining cookies is specific to the Website and does not affect other sites or pages hyperlinked from the Website. For information about cookies used on other sites and pages, please refer to the respective Cookie Settings link on those platforms.

Email communications

We may utilize tracking technologies to ascertain whether you have read, clicked on, or forwarded specific email communications we send to you. This allows us to enhance the relevance and utility of our communications. If you prefer not to have us confirm whether you have opened, clicked on or forwarded our communications, please unsubscribe, as we cannot send these emails without tracking enabled. Registered subscribers can update their communication preferences at any time by contacting us, or you can follow the instructions in the individual email communications to unsubscribe.

We reserve the right to modify or amend this Cookie Policy at our discretion. Any changes will be reflected in the revision date at the top of this page, and the revised Cookie Policy will be effective as of that date. We recommend periodic review of this Cookie Policy to stay informed about how we use cookies.



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