
Business Objects

Business Objects, developed by SAP, is a powerful business intelligence suite enabling organizations.

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Business Objects

Business Objects, developed by SAP, is a powerful business intelligence suite enabling organizations to collect, analyze, and visualize data. Its user-friendly interface and diverse features, such as reporting and data visualization, empower businesses to make informed decisions and enhance their overall operational efficiency and strategic decision-making processes.

Business Objects: Innovate, Implement, Excel
Our Business Objects service is designed to help you transform your vision into a tangible, working reality. Whether you’re a startup with a new concept or an established business looking to innovate, we’re here to bring your ideas to life.

Associative Data Model​

In SSRS, data modelling is more traditional, but its capabilities can be optimised to extract meaningful insights. Our experts can help you structure your data for efficient reporting, ensuring that your reports provide valuable information without the need for complex associations.​

Interactive Reports and Dashboards​

SSRS focuses on creating structured reports rather than interactive dashboards. Our team excels in building report layouts that are easy to understand, providing a clear view of your data.​

Custom Scripting​

Custom scripting in SSRS allows for advanced report customization. We can help you implement custom scripts to manipulate and present data in unique ways within your reports.​


Collaboration within SSRS revolves around sharing and distributing reports. Our services ensure that your reports reach the right people at the right time, enhancing communication and facilitating decision-making in your organisation.


How the cloud boosts supply chain innovation

Today, all eyes are on supply chain management. Supply chain leaders must figure out how to deal with changing demand and disruptions. COVID-19 taught us we can’t just optimize for the new normal. In fact, in new Accenture research on supply chain and the cloud.

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